#creative #technologist #director #designer
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## Prologue
> [!example] Welcome to [emrah.ca](https://emrah.ca/), my name is [[Emrah Gonulkirmaz]]
> Im a Senior Creative Technologist at [.monks](https://www.monks.com/), innovating and developing concepts and methodologies by leveraging contemporary tools while also integrating traditional techniques.
> With an extensive background as a Creative Director and Designer in the [[Animation + Design| film, animation, and game industries]], I bring creative visions to life through compelling storytelling. I'm often immersed in crafting pixels and exploring latent space to push the boundaries of visual narratives.
> I'm also creator of [artsci.tech ](https://artsci.tech/) *now part of .monks—* a design and technology initiative exploring new creative possibilities through advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning.
> Additionally, I am the founder of [codebook.games](https://codebook.games/) , currently developing [Fragments The Game](https://fragments.lv/), featured in the [[Fragments The Game|Game Design]] section.