## XPAN 31s read #xpan #35mm #stillcamera #film The XPan was an extremely unique camera, providing the advantages of the 35mm format but also the ability to swiftly change to full panorama format without having to change the film. The XPan utilized a dual-format, producing both full panorama 24x65mm format in addition to conventional 24x36mm format on the exact same film. It was the first dual-format 35mm camera on the market that expanded the format instead of masking it, making sure that every exposure utilized the full area of the film. ![[xpan_EmrahGonulkirmaz (6).png]] ![[xpan_EmrahGonulkirmaz (1).png]] ![[xpan_EmrahGonulkirmaz (3).png]] ![[xpan_EmrahGonulkirmaz (4).jpg]] ![[xpan_EmrahGonulkirmaz (2).jpg]] ![[xpan_EmrahGonulkirmaz (4).png]]