> [!important] nodes > Node graphs are versatile and can be used to represent various types of relationships, including hierarchical structures, dependency networks, data flow diagrams, and more. They provide a visual and intuitive way to model complex systems and relationships, making them particularly useful in fields such as computer graphics, where they are often used to represent scenes, animations, or procedural content generation pipelines. #nodes #research #development #nodegraphics #nodegraph #visualprogramming #articles 3m 18s read In visual programming environments, [[Node Graph vs Node Graphics|node graphs]] are commonly used to create visual representations of algorithms, workflows, or data processing pipelines. Nodes in these graphs represent individual operations or tasks, and connections between nodes represent the flow of data or control between them. This visual representation simplifies the understanding and manipulation of complex processes, enabling users to design, analyze, and modify algorithms or workflows more easily. Overall, node graphs are powerful tools for modeling relationships and processes in a wide range of domains, providing a visual and intuitive representation that facilitates understanding, analysis, and manipulation. ![[User decision flow diagrams.jpg]] ## Anatomy of a node Overall, the anatomy of a node in a visual programming environment includes its shape, name/label, input/output ports, connections, properties/parameters, node body/content, and its role in defining the execution flow of the visual program. These elements collectively enable users to create and manipulate visual representations of algorithms, processes, or workflows within the graphical programming interface. a "node" in the context of visual programming, fundamental building block or element within a visual programming environment such as a node-based graphical user interface (GUI). These environments are commonly used in various domains like computer graphics, data flow programming, and visual effects creation. ![[Screenshot - 2023-12-25 20.22.34.png]] Let's break down the anatomy of a node in this context: ### Node Shape: Nodes typically have a distinct visual representation, often represented as geometric shapes such as rectangles, circles, or diamonds. The shape can convey information about the node's function or purpose within the visual program. ### Node Name/Label: Each node usually has a name or label displayed inside or alongside the shape. This name identifies the function or operation represented by the node. It provides clarity to users regarding the node's purpose in the program. ### Input Ports: Nodes have input ports represented as small geometric shapes (often circles or squares) on one side of the node's shape. These ports indicate where data or information can be received by the node. Each input port typically corresponds to a specific type of data or parameter. ### Output Ports: Similarly, nodes also have output ports represented on the opposite side of the node's shape. These ports indicate where data or information can be emitted or sent out from the node. Like input ports, output ports usually correspond to specific data types or parameters. ### Connections: Nodes are connected to each other by drawing lines or edges between their ports. These connections represent the flow of data or information from one node to another. Connections are typically directional, indicating the flow of data from output ports to input ports. ### Properties/Parameters: Nodes often have configurable properties or parameters that can be adjusted by users. These properties define the behavior or characteristics of the node's operation within the visual program. Users can modify these parameters to customize the node's functionality as needed. ### Node Body/Content: In some visual programming environments, nodes may have a body or content area within the shape where additional information or settings can be displayed. This area may contain textual descriptions, icons, or graphical representations relevant to the node's function. ### Execution Flow: In data flow programming environments, nodes represent operations or computations that are executed sequentially or concurrently based on the flow of data through the network of connected nodes. The arrangement of nodes and connections determines the execution flow of the visual program. > [!important] - > Very nature of the tool is to experiment and explore new ways to play with code and data