> [!info] info > The terms "node graph" and "node graphics" are related but refer to slightly different concepts: #nodes #research #development #nodegraphics #nodegraph #visualprogramming #articles 1m 18s read ## Node Graph: A node graph, also known as a graph or node-based graph, is a data structure consisting of nodes (or vertices) interconnected by edges (or links). Each node in the graph represents an entity, object, or concept, while the edges represent the relationships or connections between these entities. Node graphs are commonly used in computer science, computer graphics, and visual programming environments to model various types of relationships, including hierarchical structures, dependency networks, data flow diagrams, etc. ## Node Graphics: on the other hand, typically refer to the visual representation of nodes and their relationships within a node graph or a similar structure. In the context of computer graphics or visual programming environments, node graphics are the graphical elements used to represent nodes and connections in a node-based graph. These graphical representations often include shapes (such as rectangles, circles, or diamonds) to represent nodes, as well as lines or arrows to represent connections between nodes. Node graphics serve to visually communicate the structure and relationships within a node gr aph, making it easier for users to understand and manipulate the underlying data or processes. > [!info] Summary > > In summary, while a "node graph" refers to the underlying data structure consisting of interconnected nodes and edges, "node graphics" specifically refer to the visual representation of this structure, including the graphical elements used to depict nodes and their connections.