![[Emrah Gonulkirmaz - Samsung.jpg]] ## Creative Director & Designer #creative #director #designer #father #husband 1m 24s read Here, you can find a more detailed description of who I am and what I do. I am a Creative Director and Designer in the film, animation and game industry. Originally from Istanbul, I grew up in Toronto and now call Los Angeles home. Beginning my design journey with a background in [[Animation + Design|Animation and Design ]] , I expanded my expertise to encompass various disciplines, including motion design, film title design, [[Fragments The Game| Game Design]] and [Machine Learning](https://artsci.tech/). Presently, I am committed to innovating and developing concepts and methodologies by leveraging contemporary tools while also integrating traditional techniques. As a Creative Director, my artistic vision is deeply rooted in the profound depths of intrinsic human emotions. I try to translate these emotions into immersive sensory experiences through my work. I'm particularly passionate about exploring innovative ways to communicate simple notions through my aesthetic approach. My primary tools consist of [[Node Based Toolkit|Node Based Visual Programming]] software. For me, these tools inherently facilitate experimentation and exploration of new methods for manipulating code and data, enabling me to develop new approaches and explore different design languages As a designer, the ability to rapidly prototype and explore multiple ideas is crucial. Therefore, these tools enable quick and iterative prototyping, brainstorming, and empower my process to delve into research and development, sketching out numerous concepts and ideas, ultimately guiding me in the right creative direction. > [!faq] Contact > If you have any questions or just want to say hi, don't hesitate to [reach out](mailto:[email protected]). ![[Profile_pic_Emrah.jpg]]