#creative #director #designer #animation #experimental #shorts
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Abstract painter Kenneth Noland's work, particularly his painting "Beginning," is often associated with the Color Field Painting era. This movement emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, characterized by large fields of flat, solid color that aimed to evoke emotional responses from viewers. Noland's exploration of color and form aligns closely with the principles of Color Field Painting, which sought to emphasize the expressive potential of color itself.
Noland drew inspiration from fellow Color Field painter Morris Louis, whose innovative techniques and vibrant use of color deeply influenced Noland's artistic approach. Louis's Color Field paintings, characterized by their large, unbroken expanses of color, served as a catalyst for Noland's exploration of similar themes in his own work.
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| Direction & Design | Emrah Gonulkirmaz |
| ------------------ | ----------------- |
| Sound Design | Mert Kizilay |